In many fire depart­ments, consid­er­a­tion is being given to what addi­tional equip­ment would be useful to purchase for vege­ta­tion fire­fight­ing. Even though this ulti­mately depends to a large extent on local condi­tions, such as topog­ra­phy and vege­ta­tion, the civil protec­tion orga­ni­za­tion @fire, which special­izes in vege­ta­tion fire­fight­ing, would like to provide some basic advice in a tech­ni­cal recom­men­da­tion on the procure­ment of special equip­ment as supple­men­tary equip­ment for vege­ta­tion firefighting.

In addi­tion to the addi­tional equip­ment for forest fires accord­ing to DIN 14800-18, the tech­ni­cal recom­men­da­tion provides an overview of the extended equip­ment for fight­ing vege­ta­tion fires. The supple­men­tary equip­ment includes a small portable pump, D-hoses and hollow jet pipes, fire­fight­ing back­packs, collapsi­ble contain­ers, hand tools and other equip­ment, such as a leaf blower.

The tech­ni­cal recom­men­da­tion “Equip­ment” supple­ments the already published tech­ni­cal recom­men­da­tions “Safety and Tactics in Forest and Area Fire Oper­a­tions” and “Fight­ing Grain Field Fires”, which can be accessed here.

@fire points out to invest not only in the tech­nol­ogy, but above all in the appro­pri­ate train­ing, which is of much greater impor­tance for the success of the oper­a­tion and espe­cially the safety of the fire­fight­ers deployed. The special­ists of @fire there­fore also offer lectures, train­ings as well as consulting.