2015 was an event­ful year for many of us. Several smaller missions had to be dealt with, such as missions at the refugee assis­tance at Munich Central Station and in support of the Ministry of the Inte­rior.
Meck­len­burg-West­ern Pomera­nia or the very labour-inten­sive organ­i­sa­tion of our special­ist sympo­sium “Wipfelfeuer” as well as partic­i­pa­tion in the lead­ing trade fair “Inter­schutz” in Hanover. However, the main focus of the mission was certainly the severe earth­quake in Nepal, which chal­lenged our organ­i­sa­tion almost exactly five years after the severe earth­quake in Haiti.

@fire, as a 100% volun­teer organ­i­sa­tion, not only has to manage oper­a­tions and events, but also prepara­tory train­ing, which is much more time-consum­ing - and occa­sion­ally costly,
Partic­i­pa­tion in prelim­i­nary meet­ings and work­ing groups at national and inter­na­tional level, as well as network­ing with our part­ners in emer­gency human­i­tar­ian aid.

The fact that we are not just “stum­bling behind” our tasks in many areas but are setting trends and break­ing new ground is demon­strated, for exam­ple, by our train­ing events on vege­ta­tion fire­fight­ing for munic­i­pal fire brigades or by the fact that @fire is actively involved in the further devel­op­ment of inter­na­tional concepts in the commit­tees of the United Nations.

All this is only possi­ble because we have a core of extremely capa­ble and moti­vated members - but also donors who support our devel­op­ment work.