@fire helps where people or their liveli­hoods are threat­ened by natural disas­ters. Such threats may include vege­ta­tion fires, earth­quakes, or other events that cause a human­i­tar­ian emer­gency. For a fast and profes­sional help, several points are essen­tial: Our task forces are special­ized and ready for action at any time, our mate­r­ial is ready for air trans­port and our units can work self-suffi­ciently for several days. Task forces, mate­r­ial and logis­tics can be provided quickly and unbureaucratically.

In addi­tion to missions at home and abroad, we also train world­wide together with other orga­ni­za­tions or train other organizations.

Since 2006, we have been hold­ing joint train­ing sessions with fire depart­ments in Portu­gal and support­ing them in fight­ing vege­ta­tion fires. Due to the signif­i­cantly higher inci­dence of vege­ta­tion fires, our assis­tance here is a relief for the emer­gency forces there. In addi­tion, we can bene­fit enor­mously from the expe­ri­ence and incor­po­rate it into the train­ing of German forces. We also assisted with forest fires in the USA, Sweden, Croa­tia and Bolivia.

To date, assis­tance from the USAR Depart­ment has been arranged several times through the United Nations INSARAG network for coun­tries request­ing assis­tance. We conducted debris rescues after earth­quakes in Pakistan (2005), Haiti (2010) and Nepal (2015), after seaquakes with a tsunami in Thai­land in 2004, after a typhoon in the Philip­pines in 2013, and in 2020 after an explo­sion in the port and indus­trial district of the Lebanese capi­tal Beirut.

We supported the refugee relief effort, which chal­lenged all aid orga­ni­za­tions and author­i­ties in the Federal Repub­lic of Germany in 2015, by provid­ing emer­gency person­nel, mate­r­ial and logis­ti­cal capacities.

We helped with natural disas­ters follow­ing floods in Germany in 2013 and in Bosnia in 2014.

With our 20 years of expe­ri­ence in Vege­ta­tions­brand­bekämp­fung and debris rescue in oper­a­tions world­wide, we are also avail­able for require­ments in Germany.

Size missions of @fire since 2004

You can find our press releases on the oper­a­tions here.

A request for @fire is made via the central tele­phone hotline. Under it, a manager can be reached 24 hours a day and is avail­able for feed­back and inquiries:

+49 (0) 541 38 59 43 971

24 hours a day, 7 days a week