In the event of disas­ters, those affected depend on our rapid assis­tance. As a non-govern­men­tal orga­ni­za­tion, @fire is financed by dona­tions, oper­ates on a non-profit and purely volun­tary basis.

Dona­tion account

Bank for Social Econ­omy
IBAN: DE17 3702 0500 0001 1388 00

Dona­tion receipt

Your dona­tion is deductible. For dona­tions up to 300 € per year, a copy of your bank state­ment is usually suffi­cient. For dona­tions above this amount you will auto­mat­i­cally receive a confir­ma­tion from us for the tax office.


You still have ques­tions? You can reach us at any time at spenden@​at-​fire.​de or by phone at +49 800 7777 111.

Every amount helps, because even small dona­tions can make a big differ­ence. Right here! Or are you inter­ested in support­ing us on a regu­lar basis? In this case, if neces­sary, also a Support­ing member­ship inter­est­ing for you! Dona­tions and sustain­ing member­ship fees are specially deductible.