The association headquarters of @fire is Osnabrück with the main office in Wallenhorst, district of Osnabrück (NI). In addition, @fire has offices in Munich (BY),
Wipperfürth/Cologne (NW)
and Kieselbronn/Pforzheim (BW).
@fire is a decentralized organization; there is no single, central training center or single, central location.
Instead, @fire has three operational camps near Stuttgart, Cologne and Potsdam, as well as various bases for the regional teams, for example in Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Brandenburg, Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia.
@fire’s organizational structure is divided into regional teams. Within this, in addition to the supra-regional training, regular team services for training and further education take place.
An alarm can be raised via the hotline
+49 (0) 800 7777 111
take place. You can find more information about the requirement here.
Active membership
The basic requirement for a membership with @fire is first the completed 18 years of age, the
mental and physical aptitude as well as the willingness to actively participate in the association.
Entry-level qualifications from firefighting, emergency medical services or forestry are desirable
but not mandatory. Regardless of qualification, each member basically completes the same training levels.
Depending on the place of residence of the interested party
the assignment to a regional team takes place. The admission process is then handled by the regional team leaders.
@fire expects active cooperation from its members. For a club like @fire to even be in the
If a company is to be able to go into action, it needs to be carefully planned and prepared. But also
Public relations and fundraising are a major field of activity within the association. @fire receives no public funding and lives off donations. That is why it is also the task of every
Member to look for revenue in the form of donations. Only then @fire can act. In all these areas, the members are asked to actively contribute.
Again and again we are asked “Where does all this take place?”. @fire is a network, there is no
central training center or similar. The members come from all over Germany, from
Austria, South Tyrol and Switzerland. It is not atypical several times a year to travel a few kilometers to the
team service or even travel more than 200 kilometers for a weekend training course. For this
a high willingness to travel and mobility is required. Often help carpooling around the cost
to keep low.
“@fire - Internationaler Katastrophenschutz Deutschland e.V.” - who wants to be internationally active comes
around the language English can not be avoided. International guidelines and training documents are available on
English written and part of the WFF and USAR training. Communication on an international
Parquet carries the languages English and/or French. You do not have to speak perfect English to
to work for @fire. But it is helpful to understand the language. At the beginning is enough normal
School English.
@fire is a non-profit association and is financed exclusively through donations and
Membership fees. No expenses for travel to trainings, courses or other @fire events will be covered.
In principle, members sacrifice their time for training courses and missions.
free time or their vacation. Since we are not affiliated with the National Disaster Management Agency, we will
no downtime payments for operations are assumed. For foreign assignments, the association forms a
Deployment reserve. Here, members do not incur any costs for flights, accommodation, meals or the like.
The annual membership fee is currently 80€. There is a discount for students.
For the
Procurement of personal protective equipment and other equipment incurs additional costs.
@fire is currently financially unable to provide its members with full personal protective equipment (PPE). There are additional costs for the members here. To participate in an operation it is necessary to have the complete @fire protective clothing. This includes a safety helmet with goggles, a jacket and trousers as well as gloves. When it comes to footwear, most members fall back on their fire department’s personal duty footwear. Here you can wear the common models of lace-up boots. Additional polo shirts, T-shirts, sweaters, fleece jackets and pants can be purchased as duty attire. In addition, the members need for training courses, exercises but of course also for an international mission own eating utensils, sleeping bag, sleeping mat, backpack, pack bag, helmet and flashlight, etc.. The costs depend then strongly on what is already available. For the @fire PSA you should plan about 300€.
It is not necessary to dress in full PPE right from the start. For members coming from the fire department, there is the possibility to use existing PPE of the municipal fire department at the beginning during exercises and training courses. In addition, for example, helmets can be rented. Detailed information on PPE and other equipment will be a regular topic at training courses.
Special information for rescue dog handlers
- The completed 18th year of life and the willingness to actively participate in the association.
- The rescue dog handler is an active dog handler with dog (tested or in training).
- Completes a minimum of 50 days of search training per year and has access to training areas with building and debris locations.
- Entry level fire and rescue qualifications are desirable but not a MUST. In principle, each member completes the same training levels (at least ID course, USAR 1).
- Each member is assigned to a regional team. There you have the opportunity to get to know the club better and to participate in regional team services.
- You don’t have to speak perfect English, but you should be willing to learn something on your own initiative. The USAR language is English and communication on an international level is in English and/or French. Knowledge of other foreign languages is welcome.
- Membership @fire
- Standard requirements as for all members of @fire participating in overseas assignments, such as valid passport, human (and animal) vaccinations, fitness test, etc.
- @fire ID Tutorial
- @fire USAR 1 Tutorial
- @fire Doghandler Tutorial
- At least one additional qualification from the field of
- Technical locating
- Medical
- Salvage
- Logistics
- Valid rubble test according to GemPPO (or comparable).
The goal is to obtain the qualifications for the foreign assignment within 1 to 2 years. So active dog handlers with interests more diverse than pure dog work are needed. Admission to the association does not automatically entitle the member to participate in training or operations, as internal association qualifications must first be acquired for this purpose.
Open question
There are still unanswered questions? Then here is the opportunity to ask them.
We will get back to you with an answer as soon as possible.