Help must reach the people who need it. As a completely volunÂtary orgaÂniÂzaÂtion, we live this prinÂciÂple. Through unpaid work we achieve very low adminÂisÂtraÂtive costs, which allow us to use donaÂtions almost entirely for direct aid.
In addiÂtion, trust and transÂparency are so imporÂtant to us that we indeÂpenÂdently set ourselves high stanÂdards and demands:
As a member of the German DonaÂtions Council we subject ourselves to volunÂtary self-reguÂlaÂtion. This serves to achieve greater transÂparency and thus ensure increased secuÂrity when donatÂing. In addiÂtion, we are commitÂted to transÂparency and openÂness as part of the TransÂparÂent Civil SociÂety initiaÂtive.
Our commitÂment
TransÂparency and trust are high goods for us. That is why we support the CoaliÂtion against CorrupÂtion and volunÂtarÂily joined the TransÂparÂent Civil SociÂety InitiaÂtive (ITZ) back in 2010.
The goal of the ITZ is to create the broadÂest possiÂble alliance of action within civil sociÂety that agrees on the essenÂtial paraÂmeÂters for effecÂtive transÂparency. SignaÂtoÂries to the initiaÂtive commit to making ten precisely named, releÂvant pieces of inforÂmaÂtion about their orgaÂniÂzaÂtion easily discovÂerÂable, availÂable to the general public in a specÂiÂfied format.
- AssoÂciÂaÂtion headÂquarÂters: Osnabrück
- Address:
@fire - InterÂnaÂtionaler KatasÂtroÂphenÂschutz DeutschÂland e.V.
BrunÂings Kamp 8c
49134 WallenÂhorst - Year founded: 2002
- Link to the statutes
- InforÂmaÂtion on goals and values
@fire is certiÂfied for the promoÂtion of fire, disasÂter and civil protecÂtion by certifiÂcate of the tax office Osnabrück, StNr. 65÷270÷12199, dated FebruÂary 17, 2011, recogÂnized as a non-profit orgaÂniÂzaÂtion. The date of the valid notice is 23.06.2020.
DeciÂsions are made by the ExecÂuÂtive Board in consulÂtaÂtion with the AssoÂciÂaÂtion’s InterÂnal OrgaÂniÂzaÂtion and SteerÂing CommitÂtee (ViOLa), consistÂing of the heads of the regional teams and departÂment heads. However, the Board of ManageÂment itself is responÂsiÂble for decisions.
An overview of the board members can be found here.
See annual report.
See annual report.
See annual report.
See annual report.
FurtherÂmore, @fire does not solicit members or donaÂtions with gifts, beneÂfits or the promise or grantÂing of other advantages.
Nor does @fire sell, rent or trade member or donor addresses, or offer or pay commisÂsions for solicÂitÂing donations.