Help must reach the people who need it. As a completely volun­tary orga­ni­za­tion, we live this prin­ci­ple. Through unpaid work we achieve very low admin­is­tra­tive costs, which allow us to use dona­tions almost entirely for direct aid.

In addi­tion, trust and trans­parency are so impor­tant to us that we inde­pen­dently set ourselves high stan­dards and demands:

As a member of the  German Dona­tions Council we subject ourselves to volun­tary self-regu­la­tion. This serves to achieve greater trans­parency and thus ensure increased secu­rity when donat­ing. In addi­tion, we are commit­ted to trans­parency and open­ness as part of the Trans­par­ent Civil Soci­ety initia­tive.

Our commit­ment

Trans­parency and trust are high goods for us. That is why we support the Coali­tion against Corrup­tion and volun­tar­ily joined the Trans­par­ent Civil Soci­ety Initia­tive (ITZ) back in 2010.

The goal of the ITZ is to create the broad­est possi­ble alliance of action within civil soci­ety that agrees on the essen­tial para­me­ters for effec­tive trans­parency. Signa­to­ries to the initia­tive commit to making ten precisely named, rele­vant pieces of infor­ma­tion about their orga­ni­za­tion easily discov­er­able, avail­able to the general public in a spec­i­fied format.

1. name, regis­tered office, address and year of foundation
  • Asso­ci­a­tion head­quar­ters: Osnabrück
  • Address:
    @fire - Inter­na­tionaler Katas­tro­phen­schutz Deutsch­land e.V.
    Brun­ings Kamp 8c
    49134 Wallen­horst
  • Year founded: 2002
2. complete statutes as well as infor­ma­tion about the goals of our organization
3. infor­ma­tion on the tax benefit

@fire is certi­fied for the promo­tion of fire, disas­ter and civil protec­tion by certifi­cate of the tax office Osnabrück, StNr. 65÷270÷12199, dated Febru­ary 17, 2011, recog­nized as a non-profit orga­ni­za­tion. The date of the valid notice is 23.06.2020.

4. name and func­tion of key decision-makers

Deci­sions are made by the Exec­u­tive Board in consul­ta­tion with the Asso­ci­a­tion’s Inter­nal Orga­ni­za­tion and Steer­ing Commit­tee (ViOLa), consist­ing of the heads of the regional teams and depart­ment heads. However, the Board of Manage­ment itself is respon­si­ble for decisions.

An overview of the board members can be found here.

5. activ­ity report
6. person­nel structure
7. infor­ma­tion on the source of funds
8. infor­ma­tion on the use of funds



Further­more, @fire does not solicit members or dona­tions with gifts, bene­fits or the promise or grant­ing of other advantages.

Nor does @fire sell, rent or trade member or donor addresses, or offer or pay commis­sions for solic­it­ing donations.