The @ in @fire repre­sents the network idea. Across orga­ni­za­tions, coun­tries and disci­plines, we promote exchange and explore new and inno­v­a­tive paths. New meth­ods of hazard detec­tion and response are to be created to facil­i­tate the work of rescue orga­ni­za­tions in day-to-day hazard response and to provide faster and better assis­tance to those affected.

For this @fire is signif­i­cantly involved in many tech­ni­cal recom­men­da­tions, publi­ca­tions and books in the field of Vegetationsbrandbekämpfung.

New meth­ods of hazard detec­tion and preven­tion are to be devel­oped to facil­i­tate the work of author­i­ties and orga­ni­za­tions with secu­rity tasks (BOS) in day-to-day hazard preven­tion. The fund­ing agency BMBF - Federal Ministry of Educa­tion and Research provides corre­spond­ing funds for this purpose. 

The focus here is on the trans­fer of knowl­edge from prac­tice to research and back. @fire partic­i­pates as an asso­ci­ated part­ner in several research projects for civil security.

@fire Drohne

Drones & Cartography

Already since 2013, @fire has been using drones during oper­a­tions to gather infor­ma­tion across the differ­ent command levels. From...

Alpha Robot­ics

In Koop­er­a­tion mit dem Fahrzeug- und Geräte­hersteller Magirus und der Firma Alpha Robot­ics erprobt @fire unbe­man­nte Land­fahrzeuge (UGVs =...

Logo DRZ

Forschung­spro­jekt A-DRZ

Digi­tal­isierung und Über­nahme von Arbeiten, die für Menschen gefährlich sind, werden in allen Bere­ichen der Indus­trie verfolgt. Auch an...