@fire aligns its work based on values. Instead of rigid hier­ar­chies, we orga­nize our work to pursue and achieve our goals on the basis of a shared under­stand­ing of values.

Coop­er­a­tion for the bene­fit of victims
In the after­math of disas­ters, inter­na­tional aid is partic­u­larly effec­tive when aid-provid­ing orga­ni­za­tions coop­er­ate closely and coor­di­nate their actions. That’s why @fire works closely with other orga­ni­za­tions in advance. This includes @fire’s involve­ment in networks such as the World Asso­ci­a­tion of Fire­fight­ers as well as INSARAG, the inter­na­tional umbrella orga­ni­za­tion for search and rescue units under the United Nations umbrella.
Polit­i­cal independence
Inter­na­tional aid must not be a polit­i­cal pawn. That is why we act inde­pen­dently as an NGO (Non-Govern­men­tal Orga­ni­za­tion). In addi­tion, @fire is orga­nized across polit­i­cal coun­try and state boundaries.
Profes­sion­al­ism and high­est qualification
Profes­sional and qual­i­fied assis­tance requires well-trained emer­gency person­nel. Our helpers are to a large extent employ­ees of fire depart­ments, rescue services and the forestry who are addi­tion­ally engaged in inter­na­tional aid on a volun­tary basis. For this purpose, they are further qual­i­fied and specially trained for fight­ing forest fires and search­ing for and rescu­ing buried victims after earthquakes.
Diver­sity as the key to success
At @fire, differ­ent points of view are explic­itly welcome. Only in dialogue with differ­ent opin­ions and expe­ri­ences can we find creative solu­tions, develop progress and contin­u­ously improve aid options. Even though our helpers are largely employ­ees of fire depart­ments, rescue services, the forest and helpers from other aid orga­ni­za­tions, we expressly encour­age “lateral entrants”. Only the differ­ent cultural back­grounds of our members enable us to be opti­mally prepared for world­wide operations.
Flat hier­ar­chies for the neces­sary agility
Flat hier­ar­chies are neces­sary to keep deci­sion-making paths short and to be able to main­tain agility even with constant growth. They give us the oppor­tu­nity not only to act quickly and unbu­reau­crat­i­cally in case of emer­gency, but also promote the open exchange of all members.
@fire is exactly what YOU make it.
@fire lives as an orga­ni­za­tion not from its lead­ers, but from each indi­vid­ual member. Every member has the oppor­tu­nity to initi­ate changes and imple­ment inno­va­tions. But this also means that every member has a respon­si­bil­ity for the asso­ci­a­tion. Because: @fire is only as good as its indi­vid­ual members are.
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