The year 2021 contin­ued the trend we have been observ­ing since 2018: After many years of devel­op­ment work, we are able to support author­i­ties and emer­gency response organ­i­sa­tions so effec­tively that our help is being requested more and more often. Be it as expert advi­sor during a forest fire mission of the EU module from NRW, be it for recon­nais­sance and situ­a­tion presen­ta­tion during the flood disas­ter in the Ahr valley or on an inter­na­tional level during the devel­op­ment of a concept for fast and light rescue units - and these are only the high­lights of our activ­i­ties from 2021. 

With the exam­i­na­tion and certi­fi­ca­tion of our light rescue team in front of a United Nations exam­i­na­tion commis­sion, @fire then also finally entered the inter­na­tional level on a par with all other nations. And - all on a volun­tary basis, only possi­ble through the commit­ment of our members and supporters.