When there is a fire, the fire brigade is called upon - it must extin­guish the fire as quickly and effi­ciently as possi­ble, save lives and protect prop­erty. But what if the alarm message is not “room fire first floor” but “burn­ing grain field”?

Bene­fit from our expe­ri­ence! We offer lectures, train­ing and advice tailored specif­i­cally to your needs and field of application.

Our train­ing offer

Every year, we train over 1000 emer­gency person­nel from German fire brigades.


Theory train­ing

Creation of the neces­sary basic knowl­edge in the subject complex of vege­ta­tion fires for a uniform under­stand­ing and sensi­ti­sa­tion for the exist­ing challenges.


Prac­ti­cal training

Using real fire, we allow controlled prac­tice in the use of hand tools and oper­a­tional tactics to gain valu­able experience.

@fire – Internationaler Katastrophenschutz Führungskrafte

Lead­er­ship training

Large vege­ta­tion fires in partic­u­lar require dedi­cated prepa­ra­tion of the lead­ers due to their complex­ity and the multi­tude of forces deployed and possi­ble deploy­ment options.