VegeÂtaÂtion fires pose a special chalÂlenge for leadÂers because the necesÂsary operÂaÂtional tactics deviÂate from the usual stanÂdard rules of engageÂment. Making deciÂsions is diffiÂcult in fires that are usually dynamic and confusÂing, and there is a risk of jeopÂarÂdisÂing the success of the operÂaÂtion and ultiÂmately the personÂnel. In the past, fundaÂmenÂtal mistakes often led to situÂaÂtions getting out of control.
For this reason, @fire offers semiÂnars for leadÂers in vegeÂtaÂtion fireÂfightÂing, aimed at a target group rangÂing from group leadÂers to assoÂciÂaÂtion leadÂers, as well as leadÂers of forestry and other organisations.
- Basic knowlÂedge on the topic of vegeÂtaÂtion fires
- Safety in operation
- approÂpriÂate PPE
- Spread behavÂiour of vegeÂtaÂtion fires
- Simple tactiÂcal forest fire forecast
- Basic and advanced operÂaÂtional tactics
- StrateÂgies and techÂniques in vegeÂtaÂtion firefighting
- Special situÂaÂtions & resources
LeadÂers who are involved in operÂaÂtional planÂning outside of the fire service can also beneÂfit from a commuÂnity hazard analyÂsis. GeographÂiÂcal and infraÂstrucÂtural condiÂtions are analysed and special features such as (former) miliÂtary or tourist areas are considÂered. ConcluÂsions can be incorÂpoÂrated into advance planÂning for critÂiÂcal operÂaÂtions, so that the probÂaÂbilÂity of possiÂble errors can be reduced in advance. UltiÂmately, the analyÂsis within the frameÂwork of a fire brigade requireÂments plan can form the basis for the new procureÂment of special mateÂrÂial and suitÂable emerÂgency vehicles.
Request trainÂing for your fire brigade here withÂout obligation!