Vege­ta­tion fires pose a special chal­lenge for lead­ers because the neces­sary oper­a­tional tactics devi­ate from the usual stan­dard rules of engage­ment. Making deci­sions is diffi­cult in fires that are usually dynamic and confus­ing, and there is a risk of jeop­ar­dis­ing the success of the oper­a­tion and ulti­mately the person­nel. In the past, funda­men­tal mistakes often led to situ­a­tions getting out of control.

For this reason, @fire offers semi­nars for lead­ers in vege­ta­tion fire­fight­ing, aimed at a target group rang­ing from group lead­ers to asso­ci­a­tion lead­ers, as well as lead­ers of forestry and other organisations.


  • Basic knowl­edge on the topic of vege­ta­tion fires
  • Safety in operation
  • appro­pri­ate PPE
Forest Fire Forecast
  • Spread behav­iour of vege­ta­tion fires
  • Simple tacti­cal forest fire forecast 
Oper­a­tional tactics
  • Basic and advanced oper­a­tional tactics
  • Strate­gies and tech­niques in vege­ta­tion firefighting
  • Special situ­a­tions & resources

Lead­ers who are involved in oper­a­tional plan­ning outside of the fire service can also bene­fit from a commu­nity hazard analy­sis. Geograph­i­cal and infra­struc­tural condi­tions are analysed and special features such as (former) mili­tary or tourist areas are consid­ered. Conclu­sions can be incor­po­rated into advance plan­ning for crit­i­cal oper­a­tions, so that the prob­a­bil­ity of possi­ble errors can be reduced in advance. Ulti­mately, the analy­sis within the frame­work of a fire brigade require­ments plan can form the basis for the new procure­ment of special mate­r­ial and suit­able emer­gency vehicles.

Request train­ing for your fire brigade here with­out obligation!