@fire trains emer­gency services in water-saving and water­less extin­guish­ing tech­niques in a prac­ti­cal manner. In the real fire train­ing, the emer­gency forces learn the effec­tive and effi­cient tech­niques, for exam­ple, to be able to quickly create a wound strip (aisles) for indi­rect firefighting.

Direct fire fight­ing is also used in the prac­ti­cal train­ing. Here, for exam­ple, the possi­bil­ity of the combined use of extin­guish­ing ruck­sacks and fire pats is trained. Progres­sive hose laying or, if the fire brigade has the appro­pri­ate vehi­cles, the so-called “pump and roll” (fire fight­ing attack while the fire engine is moving) are also practised.

Quasi inci­den­tally and over­lap­ping with the theo­ret­i­cal train­ing, the “read­ing of the vege­ta­tion” as well as the simple tacti­cal forest fire fore­cast are deepened.


Water-saving extin­guish­ing insert
  • Effi­cient hose management
  • Pump and Roll
Water­less extin­guish­ing insert
  • Work­ing directly on the fire
  • Use of hand tools

Request train­ing for your fire brigade here with­out obligation!