The train­ing at @fire takes place in stages and is specialised in the special­ist areas.

The first basic course is the ID (Inter­na­tional Deploy­ment) course. The partic­i­pants are intro­duced to the vari­ous activ­i­ties of the asso­ci­a­tion and gain impor­tant knowl­edge for their inter­na­tional work. Before start­ing, the partic­i­pants complete the online course BSAFE of the United Nations, which provides infor­ma­tion on the correct behav­iour during missions for the UN and teaches the correct proce­dure in danger­ous situations.

In the special­ist areas of debris rescue and vege­ta­tion fire­fight­ing, there are basic train­ing courses and specialised further train­ing courses. In the basic train­ing courses, partic­i­pants learn all the basic skills that are required for oper­a­tions. Numer­ous specialised courses are offered to learn even more advanced techniques.

For medically trained emer­gency person­nel (e.g. emer­gency para­medics and para­medics) @fire offers a Medic course, which supple­ments the partic­i­pants’ exist­ing skills with special features, espe­cially in rubble rescue. Finally, the care of people trapped for several days and the lack of a high-qual­ity medical infra­struc­ture in terms of clin­ics and rescue equip­ment require some special features.

Further­more, there are several courses for lead­er­ship tasks in oper­a­tions, staff work, for rescue dog handlers as well as for work with helicopters.

In addi­tion to regu­lar train­ing abroad (for exam­ple in Great Britain), there are irreg­u­lar inter­na­tional courses, for exam­ple on trop­i­cal and expe­di­tion medi­cine on the Mediter­ranean island of Malta or a course on medical care for earth­quake victims in Miami, USA.