Du möchtest dich aktiv in das Tagesgeschäft und Tätigkeiten bei @fire einbringen? Du möchtest mithelfen, dass @fire internationale Hilfe leisten kann und ggf. auch einmal selbst auf einen Auslandseinsatz? Dann ist die aktive Mitgliedschaft genau das Richtige für dich!
Auslandseinsätze sind freiwillig
Selbst wenn du dir z.B. aufgrund deiner familiären Situation, dem beruflichen Umfeld o.ä. keinen Einsatz im Ausland vorstellen kannst: Auch im Heimatstab und den rückwärtigen Einrichtungen gibt es das ganze Jahr über eine Vielzahl an erfolgsentscheidenden Tätigkeiten die deine Mithilfe benötigen.
The basic requirement for membership of @fire is initially the completed 18th year of age, the mental and physical aptitude as well as the willingness to actively participate in the association.
The latter in particular is important if you want to get started at @fire. We believe in self-motivation and will not “force” anyone to participate.
Entry qualifications from the fields of fire brigade, rescue service or forestry are not a prerequisite
In principle, each member completes the same levels of training for the qualifications required in the international context.
The trainings consist of internal, national, but also international training offers. What these are differs depending on the subject area, the intended function in the assignment.
Foreign languages
The name “@fire - Internationaler Katastrophenschutz Deutschland e.V.” (@fire - International Civil Protection Germany) says it all: if you want to be active internationally, you cannot avoid foreign languages.
International guidelines and training documents are usually written in English, and communication on the international stage is in English, Spanish and/or French.
In addition, any other language is of course valuable when it comes to an operational situation in a country where the corresponding language is spoken.
You don’t have to speak perfect English to get involved with @fire, but it helps to understand the language.
Application and admission
The first point of contact is the administration for interested parties, which is ready to answer all questions about the organisation and membership. Depending on the place of residence of the interested party, the assignment to the next regional team takes place.
The regional team leader then takes over the admission procedure. He or she will help you get started with @fire, invite you to interested parties or training events and offer you the opportunity to get a taste of @fire on individual dates. The team leader is and remains the first contact person for the members.
Interested? Then get in touch with us! We will then get in touch with you and send you all further information (contacts, next dates etc.).