Du möcht­est dich aktiv in das Tages­geschäft und Tätigkeiten bei @fire einbrin­gen? Du möcht­est mithelfen, dass @fire inter­na­tionale Hilfe leis­ten kann und ggf. auch einmal selbst auf einen Ausland­sein­satz? Dann ist die aktive Mitglied­schaft genau das Richtige für dich!

Ausland­sein­sätze sind freiwillig

Selbst wenn du dir z.B. aufgrund deiner famil­iären Situ­a­tion, dem beru­flichen Umfeld o.ä. keinen Einsatz im Ausland vorstellen kannst: Auch im Heimat­stab und den rück­wär­ti­gen Einrich­tun­gen gibt es das ganze Jahr über eine Vielzahl an erfol­gsentschei­den­den Tätigkeiten die deine Mith­ilfe benötigen.


The basic require­ment for member­ship of @fire is initially the completed 18th year of age, the mental and phys­i­cal apti­tude as well as the will­ing­ness to actively partic­i­pate in the association.

The latter in partic­u­lar is impor­tant if you want to get started at @fire. We believe in self-moti­va­tion and will not “force” anyone to participate.

Entry qual­i­fi­ca­tions from the fields of fire brigade, rescue service or forestry are not a prerequisite 


In prin­ci­ple, each member completes the same levels of train­ing for the qual­i­fi­ca­tions required in the inter­na­tional context.

The train­ings consist of inter­nal, national, but also inter­na­tional train­ing offers. What these are differs depend­ing on the subject area, the intended func­tion in the assignment.

Foreign languages

The name “@fire - Inter­na­tionaler Katas­tro­phen­schutz Deutsch­land e.V.” (@fire - Inter­na­tional Civil Protec­tion Germany) says it all: if you want to be active inter­na­tion­ally, you cannot avoid foreign languages.

Inter­na­tional guide­lines and train­ing docu­ments are usually writ­ten in English, and commu­ni­ca­tion on the inter­na­tional stage is in English, Span­ish and/or French.

In addi­tion, any other language is of course valu­able when it comes to an oper­a­tional situ­a­tion in a coun­try where the corre­spond­ing language is spoken.

You don’t have to speak perfect English to get involved with @fire, but it helps to under­stand the language.

Appli­ca­tion and admission

The first point of contact is the admin­is­tra­tion for inter­ested parties, which is ready to answer all ques­tions about the organ­i­sa­tion and member­ship. Depend­ing on the place of resi­dence of the inter­ested party, the assign­ment to the next regional team takes place.

The regional team leader then takes over the admis­sion proce­dure. He or she will help you get started with @fire, invite you to inter­ested parties or train­ing events and offer you the oppor­tu­nity to get a taste of @fire on indi­vid­ual dates. The team leader is and remains the first contact person for the members.

Inter­ested? Then get in touch with us! We will then get in touch with you and send you all further infor­ma­tion (contacts, next dates etc.).