@fire – Internationaler Katastrophenschutz Jahresbericht 2023 Cover
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Jahres­bericht 2023

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,lieber Unter­stützer und Freunde von @fire, eigentlich woll­ten wir nach dem für uns sehr...

@fire – Internationaler Katastrophenschutz Jahresbericht 2022 Deckblatt

Jahres­bericht 2022

Liebe Mitglieder, Freunde und Unterstützer, ich würde euch und uns ja gerne mitteilen, dass die Welt 2022 sicherer...

Annual Report 2014

Dear friends and supporters, We are currently expe­ri­enc­ing the largest refugee move­ments since the Second World War. Surely...

Annual Report 2009

Bring­ing together the knowl­edge and talents of members of fire brigades, rescue services and other aid organ­i­sa­tions. To...

Annual Report 2019

Dear members, friends and supporters, 2019 was the second year in a row in which a dry period confronted fire...

Annual Report 2018

When will climate change come? What conse­quences will it have? No one can say with absolute certainty, but...

Annual Report 2017

“Dear Ladies and Gentle­men,dear members, 2017 was a year of omens for us. Many of us perceive that the...

Annual Report 2013

Dear friends and supporters, 2013 was a very turbu­lent year for @fire. We were on flood relief in Lüchow-Dannen­berg;...