Asso­ci­a­tion headquarters

@fire - Inter­na­tionaler Katas­tro­phen­schutz Deutsch­land e.V.

Brun­ings Kamp 8c - 49134 Wallenhorst

Tel. +49 (0)5407 32365

Email board[at]

Regis­tered in the Regis­ter of Asso­ci­a­tions of the Osnabrück District Court VR 201059 as a non-profit corporation

Board Members:

Jan Südmersen, Johannes Gust, Sebas­t­ian Hodapp, Thomas Link, Dr. Andreas Weber

Respon­si­ble for the content of the website:

Sebas­t­ian Hodapp (V.i.S.d.P)


1. liabil­ity notice / limitation

a. Content of this website

The contents of this website are created with the utmost care. The provider assumes no respon­si­bil­ity for the accu­racy, complete­ness and time­li­ness of the content provided. The use of the retriev­able content is at the user’s own risk. Contri­bu­tions iden­ti­fied by name reflect the opin­ion of the respec­tive author and not always the opin­ion of the provider.

b. Avail­abil­ity of the website

The provider shall endeavor to offer the service for retrieval with­out inter­rup­tion as far as possi­ble. Even with all due care, down­time cannot be ruled out. The provider reserves the right to change or discon­tinue its offer at any time.

c. Exter­nal links

This website contains links to third-party websites (exter­nal links). These websites are subject to the liabil­ity of the respec­tive oper­a­tors. The provider has checked the exter­nal content for the exis­tence of any legal viola­tions when the exter­nal links were first created. At that time, no legal viola­tions were appar­ent. The provider has no influ­ence on the current and future design, as well as on the contents of the linked pages. The inclu­sion of exter­nal links does not imply that the provider adopts the content behind the refer­ence or link as its own. Constant moni­tor­ing of these exter­nal links is unrea­son­able for the provider with­out concrete evidence of legal viola­tions. However, such exter­nal links will be deleted imme­di­ately upon knowl­edge of any legal violations.

2. copy­right

The content and works published on this website are protected by copy­right. Any use not permit­ted by German copy­right law requires the prior writ­ten consent of the respec­tive author or copy­right holder. This applies to the dupli­ca­tion, edit­ing, trans­la­tion, stor­age, process­ing or repro­duc­tion of content in data­bases or other elec­tronic media and systems. Third-party content and contri­bu­tions are iden­ti­fied as such. The unau­tho­rized repro­duc­tion or distri­b­u­tion of indi­vid­ual content or complete pages is not permit­ted and is punish­able by law. Only the produc­tion of copies and down­loads for personal, private and non-commer­cial use is permitted.

Links to the provider’s website are welcome at any time and do not require the consent of the website provider. The display of this website in exter­nal frames is only permit­ted with permission.

3. viola­tion of protec­tion, right to name

In the event of name/domain disputes or warn­ings against applic­a­ble law, we ask you to contact us in advance to avoid unnec­es­sary liti­ga­tion and costs. In the event of justi­fied objec­tions, we will imme­di­ately take reme­dial action. The cost of a legal warn­ing with­out prior contact is in the sense of the duty to miti­gate damages § 254 para. 2 German Civil Code was rejected as unfounded. Unjus­ti­fied warn­ings and/or cease-and-desist decla­ra­tions are answered directly with a nega­tive declara­tory action.

4 Applic­a­ble law

The applic­a­ble law of the Federal Repub­lic of Germany shall apply exclusively.

Source: Disclaimer from eRecht24, the portal to Inter­net law by lawyer Sören Siebert.