Tech­ni­cal recom­men­da­tion Safety and Tactics

Fight­ing forest and wild­land fires is usually a mission to protect prop­erty and make a signif­i­cant contri­bu­tion to protect­ing the envi­ron­ment. When fight­ing forest and wild­land fires, the safety of the emer­gency services must always be...

Oper­at­ing options @fire

@fire offers its exper­tise in the context of disas­ter relief both for oper­a­tions at home and abroad. This cata­logue almost summarises the differ­ent capa­bil­i­ties and deploy­ment options of @fire. Depend­ing on the federal state,...

Emer­gency advice: Grain field fire

Fires in crop fields pose the great­est danger to fire­fight­ers because of their poten­tial dynam­ics. The oper­a­tional note summarises the most impor­tant oper­a­tional prin­ci­ples and the procedure.

Annual Report 2017

“Dear Ladies and Gentle­men,dear members, 2017 was a year of omens for us. Many of us perceive that the number and frequency of natural disas­ters is increas­ing. Heavy rain­fall with flood­ing, droughts with forest fires,...

Annual Report 2013

Dear friends and supporters, 2013 was a very turbu­lent year for @fire. We were on flood relief in Lüchow-Dannen­berg; helped our friends in Vila Real cope with a bad forest fire season; and were in the...

Annual Report 2010

Dear friends and support­ers,The year 2010 began with a great chal­lenge for @fire due to the earth­quake in Haiti. As the first German search and rescue unit on the ground, our team was able to...

Thesis Paper “The Bitburg Paper

What happens when- 6 heads or senior managers of fire schools from Germany, Luxem­bourg and France- repre­sen­ta­tives of each coor­di­nat­ing body of the Bundeswehr fire brigades in Germany- a heli­copter pilot of the German Federal Police-...

Annual Report 2011

For @fire, 2011 was all about expand­ing our network - nation­ally and inter­na­tion­ally. Numer­ous inter­nal and exter­nal train­ing courses helped to improve the effec­tive­ness and skills of our emer­gency units. To this end, we...

Profes­sional Recom­men­da­tion Aircraft Deployment

The German Fire Brigades Asso­ci­a­tion publishes the tech­ni­cal recom­men­da­tion “Luft­fahrzeugein­satz / Aerial Fire­fight­ing Air Oper­a­tions für und durch die Feuer­wehr” under the lead­er­ship of Dr Ulrich Cimolino (BF Düssel­dorf), Stephan Brust (Staatliche Feuer­wehrschule Würzburg),...