
Fire­fight­ing Back­pack - Live Test: Fire­fight­er­Willi in Danger

Feuer­wehrWilli tests a fire­fight­ing back­pack for himself & you. 20 litres of extin­guish­ing agent go in there and every­thing seems easy, does­n’t it?! You can see how long you can pump water with it (in fast motion) - a very long time. Conclu­sion: - well made - you can reach it for a long time - over 10m throw range - great addi­tion for oper­a­tions such as: espe­cially if you don’t have a water-carry­ing vehi­cle in your fire brigade. TOP!


Inde­pen­dent use of a forest fire tanker (Tactics France)

Trans­la­tion of the French FDF Manoeu­vre CCF isolé in version 1.4.

CCF - camion citerne feux de forêts = truck with tank for forest fires (TLF-W)
CA - chef d’agrès = attack leader (unit leader)
CE - chef d’équipes = team leader (squad leader)
EQ - équip­ier = team­mate (squad member)
CO - conduc­teur = driver (machin­ist)

Advice on what to do before, during and after forest fires for holi­day­mak­ers and owners of vaca­tion homes in other Euro­pean countries

Forest fires are part of a natural cycle in many regions of the world and there­fore occur regu­larly. Prob­lems arise, however, when, among other things, human settle­ments are built into nature with­out prior consid­er­a­tion of possi­ble dangers from forest fires. Wild­fires are signif­i­cantly influ­enced by three factors: weather, vege­ta­tion, and terrain. Forest fires in the coun­tries of south­ern and south­east­ern Europe can take on much more intense forms than here in Germany

Einsatzsystem Phönix

PHÖNIX modu­lar insert system

With the coop­er­a­tion of recog­nized experts, fire­fight­ers and manu­fac­tur­ers, the PHÖNIX modu­lar system has been devel­oped. Together with the initia­tor of the project, Meinolf Kettel­gerdes from the Carl Henkel company in Biele­feld, a special­ized solu­tion for vege­ta­tion and forest fires was imple­mented to support emer­gency services in profes­sional firefighting.