Six firefighting vehicles set off from the Interschutz trade fair in Hanover on Thursday for Ukraine. Lower Saxony’s Interior Minister Boris Pistorius saw off the convoy, which reached the Polish-Ukrainian border at the weekend. There, the urgently needed emergency vehicles were handed over to the firefighters from the Kyiv and Chernobyl regions.
The fire-fighting vehicles - one fire-fighting group vehicle (LF) 8, three LF 8/6, one tank fire-fighting vehicle (TLF) 16/25 and one TLF 24/50 - are former fire-fighting vehicles of the fire departments Bohmte (NI), Ochtrup (NRW), Morsbach (NRW), Straubenhardt (BW), Straubing (BY) and Sternenfels (NRW). They were donated and transferred by the respective municipalities and a private individual to support the firefighters on site in their non-stop and life-threatening mission. “We would like to thank all our donors and supporters,” said team leader Patrick Kaminsky. “The vehicles are getting to where they are desperately needed.” Even though one vehicle broke down and could be stored at a Polish fire department for the time being. “This again showed the cohesiveness of the worldwide firefighting community,” Kaminsky said.
More than 1,300 fire engines have been destroyed since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. Around 600 vehicles have already been donated by fire departments and organizations. Since the weekend, there are six more vehicles. This is the fourth vehicle transport that @fire is organizing to Ukraine together with the #WeAreAllUkrainians and Alliance4Ukraine initiatives. This brings the total number of convicted vehicles to 20.
Since the beginning of the war, the international aid organization @fire has been providing humanitarian aid in various ways. Since then, the @fire staff has been working non-stop to monitor the situation, coordinate offers of help and donations in kind, and exchange information with numerous partners. Together with the #WeAreAllUkrainians and Alliance4Ukraine initiatives, twenty fire and rescue vehicles have already been transferred to the Ukrainian capital Kyiv and the Chernobyl region. In a joint relief operation with Osteuropahilfe, Brandschutztechnik Müller, Jola Rent and Heavy Rescue Germany, @fire was able to bring 40 tons of firefighting equipment to Ukraine. 120 pallets of protective clothing, helmets, boots, generators, pumps, hoses, rescue equipment, tents, lifting bags, cut-off grinders and personal dosimeters were donated by individuals, fire departments and companies. A three-person assessment team, in collaboration with the Björn Steiger Foundation, the Institute for European Affairs (INEA), Veritas Ambulance and local authorities, spent seven days assessing humanitarian needs in the Polish border town of Chelm. In the Black Forest National Park and in Wegberg near Mönchengladbach, support was provided for the construction of refugee accommodation.
Offers of donations of equipment and fire and rescue vehicles can be sent by e-mail to The work of @fire can also be supported financially via the Betterplace donation platform.