Special­ized units of @fire are currently assist­ing with large forest fires in the Falkenberg/Elster region (Bran­den­burg) and in the Saxon Switzer­land National Park (Saxony), where about 250 hectares of forest are on fire. The fire had broken out over the week­end in the Bohemian Switzer­land National Park in the Czech Repub­lic and then spread to the Saxon Switzer­land National Park. The forest fire in Bran­den­burg had already broken out at the begin­ning of the week and had spread very quickly to around 800 hectares. Currently, fire­fight­ing efforts cover an area of 550 to 600 hectares, he said.

Due to a number of exten­sive forest fires in the state of Bran­den­burg, some special­ized units of @fire were requested for support by the Ministry of the Inte­rior of Bran­den­burg on Monday. Since the evening, dozens of @fire emer­gency person­nel have been involved in fire­fight­ing oper­a­tions in the Falkenberg/Elster region. In this context, @fire provides expert advi­sors for the oper­a­tions command, provides support for staff work and actively assists with fire­fight­ing oper­a­tions on the ground with a unit known as a hand crew.

Special­ists from @fire were also requested by the district of Säch­sis­che Schweiz-Osterzge­birge to assist with an exten­sive vege­ta­tion fire in the national park “Säch­sis­che Schweiz”. Since Tues­day, numer­ous @fire respon­ders have been on the scene to assist the more than 300 munic­i­pal respon­ders fight­ing the fire. The focus of their work here is fire­fight­ing in impass­able terrain. This is precisely where the highly mobile @fire response teams can show their strength and initi­ate targeted fire­fight­ing measures. In addi­tion, a targeted preven­tive fire inter­ven­tion is carried out by the special­ists to prevent further spread of the fire. In addi­tion to the work of the hand crews in the field, the @fire tech­ni­cal advi­sors also support the vari­ous inci­dent comman­ders with their exper­tise and coor­di­nate the water drops of the deployed aircraft.

Once again, we would like to thank all the emer­gency services, author­i­ties, orga­ni­za­tions and helpers on site for the good coop­er­a­tion in a spirit of part­ner­ship and for the trust they have placed in us.