In den letzten Tagen war @fire – Internationaler Katastrophenschutz Deutschland bei zwei parallelen Waldbränden im Einsatz. Sowohl im Harz als auch in Oranienbaum (Sachsen-Anhalt) leisteten unsere spezialisierten Einsatzkräfte wertvolle Unterstützung bei der Bekämpfung der...
A mission team from the German aid organisation @fire arrived in the Turkish earthquake zone on Tuesday night. The team of 17 disaster relief workers and two rescue dogs left Frankfurt Airport for the...
A mission team of the German aid organization @fire sets off from Frankfurt airport on Monday evening for the Turkish earthquake region. The first task will be to explore and assist in the coordination...
On Thursday evening, August 18, 2022, the 65 forces of the forest fire unit and their 20 vehicles returned from their mission in southwestern France exhausted but healthy. “The operation was very exhausting, but...
In Armenia, there has been a serious explosion in a shopping center in the capital Yerevan. According to previous reports, at least 16 people were killed and more than 60 others were injured. Presumably, a warehouse with...
In the last week of March, two members of @fire participated in the Module Basic Course of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism in the school of the Swedish MSB,. The MSB(Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och...
Specialized units of @fire are currently assisting with large forest fires in the Falkenberg/Elster region (Brandenburg) and in the Saxon Switzerland National Park (Saxony), where about 250 hectares of forest are on fire. The...
Vegetation fire specialists from the international aid organization @fire are helping to fight the forest fire in the rear of Saxon Switzerland. Around 80 @fire forces, some with international deployment experience, have been deployed...
Fire departments from Bonn, Düsseldorf, Leverkusen, Königswinter and Ratingen have been on the road since 3:30 a.m. Thursday night with their specialized joint unit to support the emergency forces in the forest fires in...