
Forests in Flames - Causes and Conse­quences of Global Forest Fires

Forest fires are an entirely natural phenom­e­non in many regions of the world. There, they have a posi­tive influ­ence on the affected forest area - for exam­ple, when the extreme heat gener­ated during a fire releases seeds from which new trees grow. But there is an extremely worri­some down­side to forest fires, which this study addresses: When­ever forest fires occur too violently, in the wrong place, at an unusual time, or too frequently, it is a sure sign that the ecosys­tem is out of whack due to human inter­ven­tion. In these cases, forest fires pose a seri­ous threat.

Landesfeuerwehrverband Brandeburg

Forest Fire Sympo­sium 2019 - Results and Recom­men­da­tions for Action

Under the motto “Forest fire - fire preven­tion, fire extin­guish­ing, fire after­care”, this year’s sympo­sium took place in Groß-Kreutz (Pots­dam-Mittel­mark) on Febru­ary 23. More than 140 partic­i­pants, includ­ing, of course, fire­fight­ers of vari­ous ranks and func­tions, repre­sen­ta­tives of other aid orga­ni­za­tions, and author­i­ties with secu­rity respon­si­bil­i­ties at the federal and state levels, came to discuss the topic. In 4 indi­vid­ual work­shops, the profes­sion­als were able to exchange ideas and formu­late expe­ri­ences, chal­lenges and future improve­ments in the areas of train­ing, tech­nol­ogy and collaboration.


Wild­fire: tips for the procedure

Fire in a corn or stub­ble field - many fire­fight­ers under­es­ti­mate the danger of wild­fires. Time and again in the past there have been acci­dents with burnt-out emer­gency vehi­cles, injured or even killed comrades. Jan Südmersen has compiled tips on what fire­fight­ers should look for when fight­ing wildfires.

Waldbrandschutz für Forst und Feuerwehr

Forest Fire Protec­tion - Compendium for Forestry and Firefighters

The work provides a compre­hen­sive overview of all areas and tasks: Preven­tion, mission prepa­ra­tion, strat­egy and tactics of fire­fight­ing, the inter­ac­tion of admin­is­tra­tive as well as oper­a­tional units, tech­nol­ogy and communication.

It char­ac­ter­izes the causes, spread, and means of suppres­sion of forest fires, types of forest fires, rates of fire spread, extin­guish­ing agent effects, and the influ­ence of climate and weather.

Espe­cially the strat­egy and tactics of the current forest fire fight­ing on the ground, the support of the extin­guish­ing measures from the air and the tech­ni­cal as well as orga­ni­za­tional measures of the prepa­ra­tion and the oper­a­tional command are presented under the aspect of the coop­er­a­tion of all forces of the non-police danger defense and the civil-mili­tary cooperation.

Wasserversorgung Die Roten Hefte

Red book­let No. 217 - Water supply

The Red Booklet/Training Compact “Water Supply” deals in detail with the supply of fire­fight­ing water via a shut­tle service as well as via hose lines. It explains the basics of water supply, pump tech­nol­ogy, hose and pipe tech­nol­ogy, water-carry­ing fittings and the acces­sories required for water supply. It also intro­duces the vari­ous meth­ods of trans­port­ing and stor­ing hose mate­r­ial, as well as the options for laying hose assem­blies. Tips and hints for the calcu­la­tion and design of the water supply complete the content.