Under the motto “Forest fire - fire preven­tion, fire extin­guish­ing, fire after­care”, this year’s sympo­sium took place in Groß-Kreutz (Pots­dam-Mittel­mark) on Febru­ary 23. More than 140 partic­i­pants, includ­ing, of course, fire­fight­ers of vari­ous ranks and func­tions, repre­sen­ta­tives of other aid orga­ni­za­tions, and author­i­ties with secu­rity respon­si­bil­i­ties at the federal and state levels, came to discuss the topic. In 4 indi­vid­ual work­shops, the profes­sion­als were able to exchange ideas and formu­late expe­ri­ences, chal­lenges and future improve­ments in the areas of train­ing, tech­nol­ogy and collaboration.