The expe­ri­ences from the forest fires in the Harz moun­tains and in Saxon Switzer­land, but also from other past large forest fires, show us that the versa­tile use of heli­copters and aircraft for fire-fight­ing water drops, recon­nais­sance flights or load and person­nel trans­ports must be well coordinated. 

To support the emer­gency forces on site, @atfire has special­ists who can support the on-site command in this task. In addi­tion to a special­ist air advi­sor, who provides advice to the oper­a­tional command, @atfire also has the resources to provide an “Air Oper­a­tional Support Team”, which can support or oper­ate an oper­a­tional section command air. 

Vari­ous special forces are deployed with our units. The section leader air is respon­si­ble for the section. He creates the situ­a­tion picture and takes over the commu­ni­ca­tion between the vari­ous units, the plan­ning for safety on the land­ing site, medical care, the water collec­tion point and the need for resources for the follow­ing day. 

An air coor­di­na­tor is on board a heli­copter whose task is to priori­tise the drops and gather infor­ma­tion, includ­ing via the heli­copter’s ther­mal imag­ing camera, and pass it on to the emer­gency forces on the ground. 

The land­ing site trans­port manager is respon­si­ble for docu­ment­ing all passen­ger and mate­r­ial trans­ports, ensur­ing suffi­cient fuel and coor­di­nat­ing the supply of the flight crews. 

In addi­tion, tacti­cal throw-off coor­di­na­tors (TAK’s) are used on the floor. 

Their task is to brief the aircraft accu­rately and ensure that ground forces are not hit and that fire-fight­ing water can be dropped in a more targeted manner. 

He also receives the infor­ma­tion from the ground forces where drops are needed and takes care of the load work in the oper­a­tional area.

An @fire alarm is issued via the central tele­phone hotline. A manager can be reached 24 hours a day and is avail­able to answer ques­tions and queries: +49 (0) 800 7777 111