One of the most diffi­cult chal­lenges in deal­ing with large-scale disas­ters such as floods, earth­quakes and forest fires is the coor­di­na­tion of response forces, mate­r­ial and equip­ment of the differ­ent parties involved. Having a clear picture of the situ­a­tion in the affected area is crucial for oper­a­tional command and enables the effi­cient and safe deploy­ment of avail­able resources. However, as these crisis situ­a­tions are inher­ently unclear, even answer­ing simple ques­tions such as the acces­si­bil­ity of certain areas or the struc­tural stabil­ity of build­ings is an ardu­ous and second-order task.

Last Monday, @fire and the @BIBA - Bremen Insti­tute for Produc­tion and Logis­tics success­fully imple­mented and tested the concept of using so-called LPWAN (Low-Power Wide Area Network) tech­nolo­gies in the field in Osnabrück ( Germany). The exper­i­ment was conducted as a proof-of-concept for the appli­ca­tion, where­upon the connec­tiv­ity and aggre­ga­tion of data was tested in an autonomous setup. Once in the urban area and also in the rural area or mobile. This was possi­ble due to our close part­ner­ship with @ASB-Niedersachsen-West in Osnabrück, who supported us with logis­tics and transport.

@fire has been accom­pa­ny­ing the Euro­pean Union research project with a research assis­tant since the end of 2022.

You can find more infor­ma­tion about the EU project here.