@fire - Inter­na­tionaler Katas­tro­phen­schutz e.V. in coop­er­a­tion with Alliance4Ukraine was able to trans­fer another fire truck as well as fire and rescue service equip­ment to Ukraine over the week­end. Vehi­cle and mate­r­ial are now being used in the Cher­nobyl region.

The TLF 24/50 tank fire engine of the Hagen (NRW) fire depart­ment as well as two lattice boxes of fire­fight­ing mate­r­ial and further medical equip­ment were handed over to the Ukrain­ian rescue forces near the Polish-Ukrain­ian border. After the with­drawal of Russ­ian troops, the need for all-terrain tankers, tankers and pick­ups, as well as equip­ment, is great among the Cher­nobyl region’s forest fire depart­ment. All forest fire equip­ment was either stolen or destroyed during the occu­pa­tion. Forest fire protec­tion around the nuclear power plant is thus only mini­mally ensured.

More than 250 fire and rescue vehi­cles and 100 fire stations have been destroyed in Ukraine since the war began. Never­the­less, fire­fight­ers are work­ing non-stop to treat the wounded and put out fires. The need for equip­ment and vehi­cles for tech­ni­cal assis­tance, fire­fight­ing and medical care remains high. Further aid convoys for the trans­fer of fire and rescue vehi­cles and urgently needed equip­ment are already being planned.

Dona­tion offers of equip­ment and fire and rescue vehi­cles can be e-mailed to spenden-​ukraine@​at-​fire.​de.

Since the begin­ning of the war, the inter­na­tional aid orga­ni­za­tion @fire has been provid­ing human­i­tar­ian aid in vari­ous ways. Since then, the @fire staff has been work­ing non-stop to moni­tor the situ­a­tion, coor­di­nate offers of help and dona­tions in kind, and exchange infor­ma­tion with numer­ous part­ners. Together with the #WeAre­Al­lUkraini­ans and Alliance4Ukraine initia­tives, eight fire and rescue vehi­cles have already been trans­ferred to the Ukrain­ian capi­tal Kyiv. 

In a joint relief oper­a­tion with Osteu­ropahilfe, Brand­schutztech­nik Müller, Jola Rent and Heavy Rescue Germany, @fire was able to bring 40 tons of fire­fight­ing equip­ment to Ukraine. 120 pallets of protec­tive cloth­ing, helmets, boots, gener­a­tors, pumps, hoses, rescue equip­ment, tents, lift­ing bags, cut-off grinders, personal dosime­ters and five complete fire trucks were donated by indi­vid­u­als, fire depart­ments and companies. 

A three-person assess­ment team, in collab­o­ra­tion with the Björn Steiger Foun­da­tion, the Insti­tute for Euro­pean Affairs (INEA), Veri­tas Ambu­lance and local author­i­ties, spent seven days assess­ing human­i­tar­ian needs in the Polish border town of Chelm. In the Black Forest National Park and in Wegberg near Mönchenglad­bach, support was provided for the construc­tion of refugee accommodation.