In the last week of March, two members of @fire partic­i­pated in the Module Basic Course of the EU Civil Protec­tion Mech­a­nism in the school of the Swedish MSB,.

The MSB (Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och bered­skap (MSB)) is the Swedish author­ity for civil protec­tion and is compa­ra­ble to the German BBK (Bunde­samt für Bevölkerungss­chutz und Katas­tro­phen­hilfe - Federal Office for Civil Protec­tion and Disas­ter Assis­tance) in terms of its field of activ­ity. The MSB main­tains a school in Revinge for train­ing purposes.

The goal of the MBC is to empower USAR Team Lead­ers and Liai­son Offi­cers on deploy­ments of their modules within the UCPM (Union Civil Protec­tion Mech­a­nism). This includes train­ing in coor­di­na­tion, inde­pen­dent work (supply, mate­r­ial, etc.) and also coop­er­a­tion with other modules within the EU.

In addi­tion to theory, numer­ous prac­ti­cal parts were also prac­ticed. For exam­ple, in meet­ings with local author­i­ties or work assign­ments to plan a BoO (Base of Oper­a­tions), the team’s base camp. Safety brief­ings were also run through.

EU Kurs @fire