Over 50 emer­gency person­nel and helpers as well as nine rescue dogs from Germany and Great Britain have demon­strated their skills as an inter­na­tional search and rescue team near Paris in the past few days. The result: 13 people were rescued from the rubble.

On Wednes­day after­noon, the ficti­tious coun­try of Lute­tia was shaken by a severe earth­quake measur­ing 7.2 on the Richter scale, caus­ing consid­er­able destruc­tion to build­ings and infra­struc­ture. Due to the strength of the quake, hundreds of dead and miss­ing persons are reported.

Follow­ing the request for assis­tance from Lute­tia on Wednes­day evening, @fire imme­di­ately mobilised its Light USAR team to conduct its annual search and rescue exer­cise. The sister organ­i­sa­tion “SARAID” from the UK also deployed its USAR team. The @fire task forces from all over Germany and beyond prepared in Trier and arrived at the exer­cise site in Ville­just, south­west of Paris, on Thurs­day evening.

A total of

  • 23 members of the Light USAR Team @fire with one rescue dog
  • 7 Light USAR Team S.A.R.A.I.D. with three rescue dogs
  • 4 addi­tional dog handlers with rescue dogs
  • 20 support­ing helpers

took part.

A total of 14 inci­dent sites were iden­ti­fied during the exer­cise and 13 people were success­fully rescued from the rubble.

The teams were - with breaks - in action around the clock, using state-of-the-art tech­nol­ogy and demon­strat­ing their skills. During the some­times complex rescues, rope tech­niques or core drilling, for exam­ple, also had to be used to save the buried victims. The USAR Coor­di­na­tion Center (UCC) coor­di­nated all inter­na­tional USAR teams in the area of operation.

On Satur­day after­noon, the “USAR Ex Paris 2023” ended with the success­ful rescue of three trapped people from a collapsed petrol station. “We would like to thank all the organ­i­sa­tions involved - @fire, Saraid, Biba and Nebu­lOus - for their extra­or­di­nary efforts and the success­ful execu­tion of the exer­cise,” says Florian Zonker, Head of Divi­sion USAR. “Such exer­cises help us to be even better prepared for future real disasters.