The first trans­ports of the numer­ous relief goods that we were able to collect together with our part­ners are now on their way to collec­tion centres and will be distrib­uted over the next few days and trans­ported to the west­ern Ukrain­ian city of Chortkiw. From there, further distri­b­u­tion takes place.

We are pleased that together with our part­ners Brand­schutztech­nik Müller, Jola-Rent and Heavy-Rescue-Germany we were able to collect about 100 pallets of fire­fight­ing equip­ment and relief supplies for the Ukrain­ian fire brigades.

We would also like to thank Osteu­ropahilfe and the Fürsten­feld­bruck fire brigade for their active support during the transport.

We continue to appre­ci­ate their support to fund more relief supplies and our mission in Ukraine. You can support us directly via the Better­place dona­tion platform.


You will receive a dona­tion receipt directly via the Better­place platform.

Source: DSDN Ukraine