At the request of the district fire chief of the Pots­dam-Mittel­mark district, @fire supports the fire depart­ments, the German Federal Armed Forces, THW and other aid orga­ni­za­tions in fight­ing two large forest fires in Bran­den­burg with more than 40 emer­gency person­nel, several vehi­cles and a helicopter.

Our task forces provide support in partic­u­lar with situ­a­tion recon­nais­sance and mapping of the oper­a­tional area, as well as with expert advi­sors and task teams for firefighting.

Further­more, in consul­ta­tion with the inci­dent command, emer­gency person­nel from @fire set a controlled fire to prevent the fire from spread­ing to inhab­ited areas.

Already on Friday morn­ing, due to the predicted weather situ­a­tion and the extreme danger of forest fires in large parts of Germany, the home staff of @fire was acti­vated and first mission prepa­ra­tions were made.

Many thanks also to the company JoLa-Rent for the good coop­er­a­tion and support!