What better way to simu­late a forest fire than with real fire and smoke? This special large-scale exer­cise took place on 18.09.21 with nine emer­gency forces from @fire and the volun­teer fire brigade Kirchehrenbach.
The “flying sparks” exer­cise focused on the real­is­tic repre­sen­ta­tion of a forest fire and the asso­ci­ated extin­guish­ing work. For this purpose, vari­ous items of equip­ment have been procured in the past by the local fire brigade and have now been presented. The Bavar­ian Minis­ter of the Inte­rior, Joachim Herrmann, was among those who attended.

Already in the morn­ing, our task forces moved to the exer­cise area to explore and prepare it. For this purpose, several piles of branches were created and secured with wound strips. These were then burnt down in the after­noon by our emer­gency services in a controlled manner. 

Controlled burn­ing in the forest was carried out taking into account the submit­ted permits and a pre-prepared burn­ing plan. The plan serves as the basis for a detailed brief­ing of the emer­gency forces and, in addi­tion to the weather data recorded, also includes the escape routes and special hazards at the scene. The permit for controlled burn­ing in the forest is an excep­tional permit, because normally you are not allowed and cannot prac­tise with fire in the forest.

The prac­ti­cal part of the exer­cise in the after­noon first included the exact local­i­sa­tion of the fire site by the aerial observers of the govern­ment of Upper Fran­co­nia. After the fire­fight­ers were alerted, they were directed to the scene by the emer­gency heli­copter. In the further course, the focus was primar­ily on fire­fight­ing using hose lines and hand tools. Several @fire forces have already been involved in train­ing here in the past. In the imme­di­ate vicin­ity of the train­ing area, the Bayreuth fire brigade’s flight support team prac­tised the use of exter­nal load contain­ers on a police helicopter.

After the offi­cial end of the exer­cise, we took over the post-extin­guish­ing and clean-up work together with the fire brigade.