In coop­er­a­tion with the initia­tive #WeAre­Al­lUkraini­ans we are urgently look­ing for ambu­lances, fire trucks, foam trucks, aerial ladders/ tele­scopic masts as well as personal protec­tive equip­ment for the fire­fight­ers in Ukraine!

Despite the numer­ous dona­tions of mate­ri­als and vehi­cles already received, the need remains great - espe­cially in the capi­tal Kyiv. Fight­ing fires at height and extin­guish­ing burn­ing fuel is partic­u­larly challenging.

Offers of dona­tions can be reported to spenden-​ukraine@​at-​fire.​de. Thank you very much!

The #WeAre­Al­lUkraini­ans initia­tive was launched Dr. Wladimir Klitschko and Tatjana Kiel, CEO of Klitschko Ventures, to develop scal­able solu­tions and processes for the most urgent needs as quickly as possi­ble, which he passes on to Tatjana Kiel directly from Kyiv. 

Over 2,000 tons of goods have reached Kyiv in the first 10 days - with the support of dona­tions of goods from large compa­nies and logis­tics part­ner Deutsche Bahn, as well as the coor­di­na­tors of #WeAre­Al­lUkraini­ans on the Ukrain­ian side. Together with the aid orga­ni­za­tion @fire - Inter­na­tionaler Katas­tro­phen­schutz Deutsch­land e.V., #WeAre­Al­lUkraini­ans is work­ing to procure fire and rescue vehi­cles that are urgently needed in Ukraine.

Donate via better​place​.org