USAR is the abbreviation of “Urban Search and Rescue” and includes the search, location, rescue and (medical) care of people after building collapses. The need for USAR operations often follows earthquakes or explosions. In particular, @fire specializes in international USAR operations following earthquakes. As a member of INSARAG (International Search and Rescue Advisory Group), the @fire USAR team operates according to United Nations standards.
The survival time of buried victims after earthquakes is severely limited, resulting in the need for rapid initiation of search and rescue activities. Therefore, the @fire USAR team is able to reach any country in the world within 24 h after an earthquake event - provided that a correspondingly fast transport option can be used.
The @fire team has the capacity to set up a base of operation in the affected country and to be self-sufficient for 10 days during search and rescue operations. This includes catering and sanitary facilities as well as accommodation, communication and leadership. During the deployment, contact is maintained with the operations staff in Germany via various communication channels. From this staff, the team is provided with background information and supported in many areas.
Am vergangenen Wochenende fand in Köln ein Ausbildungswochenende mit über 40 Einsatzkräften von @fire aus ganz Deutschland statt. Ziel war es, die Rettung von Verschütteten nach Erdbeben zu trainieren. Dabei stand nicht nur der Umgang...
Auch nach Abschluss unserer Aufgabe in der Türkei leisten wir noch vor Ort Hilfe und übergaben Teile unserer Ausrüstung als Spende an das türkische Such- und Rettungsteam von INDAK. Während unseres Einsatzes hatten wir durchweg...
We all look stunned at Ukraine and see the suffering. We too have faced the question of how we can support. We are in constant exchange with our contacts in Ukraine, especially with the...
The German relief organisation @fire was the first international search and rescue team in the “Light” category to be classified by the United Nations (UN) in recent days. For this purpose, a 20-member rescue team...
In view of the emergency situation on the Ukrainian-Polish border, a fact-finding team from the aid organisation @fire - Internationaler Katastrophenschutz Deutschland e.V. in cooperation with the Björn Steiger Foundation and the Institute for European...
In view of the emergency situation on the Ukrainian-Polish border, a fact-finding team from the aid organisation @fire - Internationaler Katastrophenschutz Deutschland e.V. in cooperation with the Björn Steiger Foundation and the Institute for European...
The confused situation in and around Ukraine continues to require help from all over the world. @fire is currently providing special support with logistics for donated firefighting equipment. We organise the transport of your...
The first transports of the numerous relief goods that we were able to collect together with our partners are now on their way to collection centres and will be distributed over the next few...
Osnabrück/Geneva, 25 November 2021 - As the first international search and rescue team of the category "Light", the German relief organisation @fire was classified by the United Nations (UN) in...
Today, the first articulated lorry with 33 pallets and around 12 tonnes of firefighting equipment set off for Ukraine! A total of 120 pallets of material were collected in the last few days during...