Our recon­nais­sance mission in the town of Chelm on the Polish-Ukrain­ian border has ended after seven days. The team left for the return jour­ney to Germany at noon today. On site, Veri­tas Ambu­lance now oper­ates a casu­alty care centre. The three-member assess­ment team had iden­ti­fied the human­i­tar­ian needs in coop­er­a­tion with the Björn Steiger Foun­da­tion, the Insti­tute for Euro­pean Affairs (INEA), Veri­tas Ambu­lanz and the local authorities.

The town of Chelm is located at the north­ern­most of eight Polish-Ukrain­ian border cross­ings. In the Lublin Voivode­ship, the city is one of the first recep­tion centres that refugees reach - by trains, buses and private cars. Every day, thou­sands of refugees - mainly moth­ers with chil­dren - arrive in the city of 65,000 inhab­i­tants. They are provided with meals and accom­mo­da­tion and, if neces­sary, receive primary health care.