For almost 10 years now, @fire has been involved in training its members in supra-regional forest and vegetation firefighting, and as a result now has special forces permanently on standby.
Firefighting crews (hand crews) to fight forest fires:
@fire has fully operational and trained self-sufficient firefighting teams, trained in the various techniques of fighting forest fires and specifically for overseas operations.
These crews are specialized in
the protection of houses (structure protection)
the rapid initial attack of a fire source, if necessary also by helicopter
working directly on the flame front (hot lining)
working indirectly on the fire front by creating protective aisles and burning out these aisles (burnout)
The advantage of this crew is its quick readiness for use, easy transport and high mobility. This form of deployment has proven its worth not only in regions that are difficult to access. In combination with water drops from airplanes / helicopters and, if the terrain is accessible, with fire-fighting vehicles, a hand crew can then develop its full power.
Rapid operational readiness is ensured by the fact that all operational materials such as hand tools, motorized chain saws, small pumps with hoses and fittings, communications and operational logistics are packed in transport boxes for transport and are always ready for use.
A hand crew consists of 10 to 20 members, depending on the situation.
@fire works closely with cooperation partners in the field of airborne firefighting. Direct contact can be made if needed.
Furthermore, @fire has other specialists (aerial observers, expert advisors and leaders, controlled burning/counter-fire specialists) that can be deployed in unison or individually to provide support.
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